Is “Christian Self-Confidence” an oxymoron?!

I used to think it was somehow wrong to be self-confident as a Christian. Shouldn’t I be confident in God, not myself? So even when I was self-confident, I felt sort of guilty about it!

The fact is, I’ve struggled with self-confidence most of my life. I’m a geek. I can be socially awkward and relationally clueless. And I’m super-absent-minded!

But I’ve learned that Christian self-confidence is not only good, it is absolutely essential to being who I am and fulfilling my purpose in life!

God actually wants me to be self-confident!

Ha! Go figure! But it’s true!

Gideon: a self-doubting warrior*

God called Gideon a “mighty warrior” when He commissioned Gideon to free Israel from the oppressive Midianites. But Gideon protested, “How can I deliver Israel? My clan is the weakest in Manasseh, and I am the least in my family.”

So when Gideon asked God for a sign to confirm his commission, God sent an angel who torched Gideon’s offering right in front of him! And God then told Gideon to tear down his father’s idol.

But in spite of the miraculous sign, Gideon tore down the idol secretly in the dead of light instead of in broad daylight for all to see.

After God told Gideon to lead the Israelites to war against Midian, Gideon asked for more two more confirming miracles, first for dewy fleece to appear on dry ground, and then for dry fleece to appear on dewy ground. And God performed these very specific miracles! So, to his credit, Gideon and 300 Israelites followed God’s direction and defeated all 135,000 Midianites.

But then, surprisingly, Gideon acted arrogantly! When his warriors offered him booty from the war, he at first declined, but then he accepted, and then he made a golden ephod (garment) from the booty, which he bizarrely led Israel to worship!

Then the Israelites offered to make Gideon king. Gideon at first refused, but then he named one of his sons Abimelech, which means “My father is a king”!

Gideon was a mess, alternating between timid cowardice and destructive false pride!

Consequences of low Christian self-confidence

1. Wimping out on our calling or only partially fulfill it

Example: Gideon tore down the idol, as God commanded. But he did it at night, which was not what God had in mind.

2. Medicating self-doubt with self-promotion

Example: Gideon appeared to be humble, but he named his son “My father is a king.” He wanted to be confident in himself and in God, but he didn’t quite make it.

3. Leading others down confusing or even destructive paths

Example: Gideon led the Israelites to worship an ephod, which was a warped desire to look confident.

David: a self-confident warrior**

David was the youngest of eight sons. He was a lowly shepherd, held in contempt by his warrior brothers, and undervalued by his father.

But David had a healthy sense of self-confidence. His experience defending his father’s sheep against bears and lions, and a faithful response to God’s call on his life, gave him the self-confidence to take on Goliath with just a slingshot and five smooth stones.

Of course, David had his failings. But he usually acted with integrity, from healthy self-confidence and minimal false bravado. And when he did fail, he repented fully and sincerely. God blessed David and used him in mighty ways.

And David fulfilled his calling as King of Israel and, most significantly, “a man after God’s own heart”.

Benefits of Christian self-confidence

1. Willingness to take risks when God gives opportunities

2. Strength and courage to step into God’s call on your life

3. Ability to bounce back when people reject or disagree with you

4. Better relationships, because people are more at ease around you

5. More opportunities, because people believe in self-confident people

Which of the above benefits of Christian self-confidence most strongly touches your heart?

Women and self-confidence

Studies show that women tend to be less self-confident than men.***

Women ask for salary raises four time less often than men, and when they do ask, they ask for 30% less money than men.

Women typically don’t apply for a job unless they meet 100% of the qualifications listed for the job. Men will apply if they meet 60% of the job requirements.

Women underestimate how well they can perform, but men typically overestimate how well they can perform.

Men do doubt! But they don’t let their doubt stop them as frequently as women do.

Regardless of the reasons for these differences, both men and women are equally created in the image of God, and God loves and values all of us equally!

It helped me to see myself in some of these statistics, and to intentionally correct myself when I might otherwise hold back.

The difference between lack of self-confidence and lack of God-confidence

In my coaching practice, I hear people say a lot, “I need to have more faith.”

But most of the time, what’s lacking is not faith in God, but confidence in self.

Here’s how to tell the difference. If you have no trouble seeing and believing how wonderfully God works through other people, but you have trouble seeing or believing He works just as wonderfully through YOU, then you don’t need more faith! You need more self-confidence! You need to believe what God believes about you!

How to become a more self-confident Christian

The internet and bookstores are full of tips for how to have more self-confidence

But the best way to do it is to learn to see yourself as God sees you, believe what He says about you, and experience His direct approval for yourself.

Ask Jesus each of the questions below. Believe that He is talking to you through your heart and mind!

Jesus, what do you really like about me today?
Jesus, what experiences have you given me, throughout my life, to prepare me for my calling?
Jesus, I am unconfident. But who do you say I am?
Jesus, how do you want to give me confidence today?

Learn how to have personal, back-and-forth conversations with Jesus every day, and experience your deepest desires being filled by Him. Tony Stoltzfus’ books, The Invitation, and Questions for Jesus will show you how.

Click here to find out more about growing in Christ with R.J. Scherba.

* Gideon’s story is in Judges 6-8.
** This part of David’s story is in 1 Samuel 17.
*** For a fascinating review of self-confidence in women vs. men: The Atlantic.

October 5, 2016
  • I needed to hear this message. God gave me a high-profile position at a prominent organization at two different times. But I feared. I feared I wouldn’t do well and I feared my own pride. I used these two things to quit both opportunities. I found myself in a role I’m not happy in and quite frankly, one I don’t believe God intended for me to be in. My fear and lack of confidence led me to disobedience and quit the jobs he had placed me in. It was eye-opening and perhaps a bit freeing to hear that it wasn’t my faith that was the issue, it was my self-confidence. I have always struggled with not being good enough, at school, at work and in relationships. As the blog says, I don’t want my lack of self-confidence be the reason I am not able to fulfill what God has for me and has for His kingdom. This has given me so much to pray for. Thank you for the clarity and the teaching.

    • Thank you for your openness and encouragement. I’m delighted that God encouraged you through my article. I prayed for you!

  • Hi am a runner and I have been feeling that I am no long the best and that my coaches will soon see that I am not longer there top runner and well give up on me got any advice on how to get that out of my head.

  • Hi am a runner and I have been feeling that I am no long the best and that my coaches will soon see that I am not longer there top runner and well give up on me got any advice on how to get that out of my head

    • Hello, Kaylee. It is indeed really tough when others don’t believe in us or don’t see us for who we really are and the way God has uniquely created us.

      I’ve found that one of the best ways to regain confidence and a sense of value and worth is to find ways to grow closer to God. Here’s a link to a blog about how to have transformational, intimate, back-and-forth conversations with Him:

  • Hello Randy,

    I can imagine the confusion and the feeling you have.
    I was like that too and could not enjoy my life as christ.
    I want to recommend you teachings, articles and books from pastor Joseph Prince they helped me a lot.
    I am more and more happy and less confused.
    His teaching about grace is amazing.
    John 1.17.
    Be bless

    • Hello, Anna. I apologize for taking so long to respond. For some reason, my website had turned off notifications to me for just this one blog!

      Thank you for responding to Randy, and for your care and help. God bless!

  • Hi.
    My confidence is shattered by anxiety and past regrets. i accepted Jesus again and again, i confessed my sins, I struggle to repent in mind, heart and action, yet i am paralyzed by everything i regret, i am paralyzed by all the ‘what-if’s’ of the future, and what hurts more

    is that even though we are saved, we STILL face judgement fornall our thoughts, words, and actions, and the LACK of things we did to please God. this has a negative impact on my faith, self confidence, and it is hard to enjoy life and appreciate all Gof has given me, because i still get the fear of judgement and hell, and I feel like Jesus will not be impressed with me when I stand and account for my entire life.

    I look online for help. sometimes i find well meaning web pages, other times i come across harsh words from other christians who are quick to label me a coward (rev 21:8), or look at me like im an Esau.

    This wears on me big time, and when I go to church or meet other christians who are filled with joy, etc, i feel like a failure.

  • Thank you for the wonderful article. I believe God uses us in many ways and often we don’t know it. Your article was very helpful to me this morning. I was feeling a bit defeated and very doubtful of myself and my abilities to carry out something God told me to do (very clearly).

    (Marko) As for hearing God speak to us, when I first became a Christian and I would be expecting to hear from God like other people I knew, I waited for a big voice to come from…somewhere…the atmosphere? Was I supposed to see a burning bush?! What?!! Why didn’t He talk to me too? But He WAS talking to me. It took quite a while and lots of encouragement and even studying how to recognize His voice, for me to understand. Now, I have to stop and listen usually, but He really is there and I know His voice now. God uses the Holy Spirit, who is truly in us, to quietly communicate to us.
    Don’t give up! Keep listening for Him, you’ll be so rewarded and glad that you did!
    God bless!

  • Thank you for the wonderful article. I believe God uses us in many ways and often we don’t know it. Your article was very helpful to me this morning. I was feeling a bit defeated and very doubtful of myself and my abilities to carry out something God told me to do (very clearly).

    (Marko) As for hearing God speak to us, when I first became a Christian and I would be expecting to hear from God like other people I knew, I waited for a big voice to come from…somewhere…the atmosphere? Was I supposed to see a burning bush?! What?!! Why didn’t He talk to me too? But He WAS talking to me. It took quite a while and lots of encouragement and even studying how to recognize His voice, for me to understand. Now, I have to stop and listen usually, but He really is there and I know His voice now. God uses the Holy Spirit, who is truly in us, to quietly communicate to us.
    Don’t give up! Keep listening for Him, you’ll be so rewarded and glad that you did!
    God bless!

    • Thank you so much for your encouragement and your story. God does indeed speak to us and encourage us so much more than we ever realize! I rejoice with you!

  • This can be a very common confusion. I myself have lost faith in God in the midst of hardship. I concluded that I can only rely on myself and relying on others, including God would make me weaker and less confident. What I failed to realize is that God actually wants me to be confident and rely on myself. I mean, if someone have a genuine intention to do what God wants, then as a believer, he should completely rely on himself and trust that God will help him. So simple, but sometimes hard to understand.

    Thank You very much for this awesome article.

    • Thank you for the feedback, Marko! And I apologize for taking so long to respond. For some reason, my website had turned off notifications to me for just this one blog!

      God does indeed want us to be confident—in Him, yes, but also in who He uniquely created us to be! WooHoo!

      God bless you!

  • This can be a very common confusion. I myself have lost faith in God in the midst of hardship. I concluded that I can only rely on myself and relying on others, including God would make me weaker and less confident. What I failed to realize is that God actually wants me to be confident and rely on myself. I mean, if someone have a genuine intention to do what God wants, then as a believer, he should completely rely on himself and trust that God will help him. So simple, but sometimes hard to understand.

    Thank You very much for this awesome article.

  • How does God tell you who you are? What does Jesus say he likes about you? We dont simply hear these things when we pray. So how do we come to know them?

    • Hello, Sean,
      Good questions!
      I believe we actually can hear these things when we pray. Jesus is speaking to us all the time, but we often think it is just our own thoughts. I wrote a blog about that, which relates to a couple of books about hearing Jesus in relationship with him. The blog is here:
      Let me know what you think!

  • How does God tell you who you are? What does Jesus say he likes about you? We dont simply hear these things when we pray. So how do we come to know them?

    • Hello, Sean,
      Good questions!
      I believe we actually can hear these things when we pray. Jesus is speaking to us all the time, but we often think it is just our own thoughts. I wrote a blog about that, which relates to a couple of books about hearing Jesus in relationship with him. The blog is here:
      Let me know what you think!

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